Sunday, June 29, 2014

Journal entry 2

From reading "why I blog", it seems that blogging is a very good way to get your ideas out as soon as they come to you. I think it's a good thing that people can see what you write, because you can get some pretty good feedback. Unlike people who plan out what they want to say over a long period of time, bloggers are able to write instantly and even receive that feedback instantly.

In class writings week 1

10 words that would describe my "identity"
1 Quiet
2 athletic
3 knowledgable
4 talkative
5 adventureful? (totally spelled that wrong)  
6 thoughtful
7 kind
8 worried
9 hard working
10 oblivious
Well those are the words that I think best describe my "Identity", but they could be totally different to everyone else who knows me!

10 words that describe my "E"dentity
1 quiet
2 almost non-existent
3 watchful
4 traveler
5 complainer
6 jokester
7 reserved/mysterious
8 photographer
9 adventurer
10 conscientious
I feel that these words would best describe me online because I feel that I am a completely different person face to face.

Journal entry 1

Well, I guess my first journal entry should be about how bad I am about writing in a blog! It's a little different, because I've never done this before. I guess i'll just have to keep doing it to get better!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Inaugural introductory post!

Well, I might as well get this thing started!! It's pretty weird writing on a computer like this, cause usually Im doing this in a book journal. Lets see how this semester goes!!