Monday, August 11, 2014

Conclusion post and final thoughts

Can I say that I really liked this class! I really enjoyed the interaction with the class every week and the class was great because almost everyone participated and we always brought up fun and interesting topics to discuss. I have taken other classes that are 1 or 2 days a week and this class was just the perfect amount of time. I really cant pay attention when i'm in class for more than an hour or two but this one was fun and thought provoking.
The content in the class was about our (E)dentity, which is our online identities and who we portray ourselves online and offline. I thought it was really interesting who we can be online, because we do not have the type of social interaction we would have when being in front of real people. We can say what we want and not really have to deal with peoples responses. I feel that sometimes it can be a good way to speak your mind and have anyone respond to your posts, like a blog where you can do that. I enjoyed this subject becuase I believe that it especially pertains to us in this technological age and we need to learn to interact socially through the media like Facebook and twitter, and we still need to socialize with people face to face when it is all too easy to do it electronically. Overall I really enjoyed this class! I wish It was offered as english 2010!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

In class writing

A week without technology I think would be relatively easy for me. I think all I would need are some books, people to interact with and a journal to write in. I do like to be informed with what is going on in the world through technology but i guess i could get that from newspapers and other ways!

In class writing

With the amount of friends i have on Facebook, I would say that out of all of them maybe 50 of them are really close friends but the rest of them would probably be acquaintances and kinda distant friends. I wouldn't say that i talk to all of these friends but I like to have them in a place like Facebook so I can see what they are doing and they can see what i'm doing.

Journal entry 14

Today i'm planning to hike up adams canyon because there is a cabin up there and it is open to anyone who want to go to it. I think it's more used in winter, but we'll use it anyway. One of my friends has already been up to it and said it's kinda crappy and probably a bunch of pot smokers go up there. He said there is even a pot leaf painted on the front door. He said it takes a few hours to get up there so i think we'll start around 6pm so were not in the heat of the day. Hopefully the weather stays as good as it is now during the morning and we don't get rained on as we go up!

Journal entry 13

A friend and I decided to go rock climbing the other day at this place called "the front" and it was pretty fun! I haven't been in a long while and my calluses on my hands are basically gone, so it was pretty rough on my hands. We went bouldering for a an hour or so and by then my hands were already beat up, but we decided to continue climbing the bigger stuff. After a couple of hours being there, my hands had huge blisters on them and it was time to go. This gym is on like 22nd in ogden, so it's pretty near the new ogden temple, so on the way back we got to drive past the new temple and it looks really different. This next week I think i'll be able to go through the open house and see inside!

Journal entry 12

Continuing my post about my red castle lake trip/hike. The next day we decide to just take a day and hike up really quick. We did hear that it was about 30 miles round trip, but we didn't really register how far that really was. As we started out, we felt pretty good, but after going about 10 miles, we were starting to get tired. We felt like we were getting delirious already when we reached the top at 15 miles and the thought of heading back down felt like it was a daunting task. All the way back down, we had to talk a lot to each other to distract ourselves from the pain in our legs. It felt like it took forever but we finally got back down after 30 miles and went back to camp. We decided to never do that again, but in retrospect i'm glad we did it!

Journal entry 11

A couple weeks ago my friend and I went on a camping trip near kings peak utah. It was only for 3 days but it turned out to be more than we bargained for. I brought up everything i thought i would need like a sleeping bag, pillow, food, snacks and other things. The first night was pretty bad and turns out that my sleeping bag wasn't warm enough for the night and i had to sleep in the car that night. So the next day we decided that it probably wasn't a very good idea to hike up there and sleep overnight. We planned to go to red castle lake the next morning for a day hike. I guess i can leave the next part to my next journal entry, but i recommend the hike to red castle, cause it's super pretty!